4Ocean - Fishing plastic out of the ocean, one pound at a time.


4Oceans employs captains and cleanup crews from Florida to Bali that are cleaning our oceans and coastlines seven days a week. In addition, they host beach cleanups, offshore cleanups and worldwide cleanups to make the greatest impact.

The organization also strives to educate individuals, corporations, and governments on the impact that plastic has on the ocean and by giving ocean plastic a value, they are creating a new economy for the removal of trash.

4Ocean utilize the latest technology to prevent, intercept, and remove trash from the ocean and coastlines. Their operation combines a barricade stystem anchored in high-impact river mouths, the barricades stop plastic flowing into the ocean. The OPR vessel can also tow this system to collect plastic in the open ocean.

The Ocean Plastic Recovery Vessel is able to respond in emergency situations like storms and floods to prevent plastic from entering the ocean. Vessels are outfitted with a barricade reel on stern that holds up to 500 feet of barricade material, two custom cranes mounted mid-ship for lifting large amounts of plastic from fishing boats. Panga fishing boats can be launched to clean up plastic or transport it from the vessel to our recycling facilities.

For every operation 50-100 people from the local community are employed to operate the technology.

You can support their work by purchasing a 4Ocean Bracelet, and they will remove one pound of trash from the ocean and coastlines
📷 by @4ocean
For more information visit: https://4ocean.com/